Support St. Peter Scholarships
Making a Christian education a reality for families in our community.
By contributing to student scholarships you are directly supporting a child’s ability to receive a Christian education. At St. Peter we are encouraging tomorrow’s leaders to follow Christ and pursue wisdom. A Christian education helps build a spiritual foundation for a lifetime of following Christ. Students attending St. Peter have the opportunity to learn in a caring and creative environment creating a lifetime love of learning. Students who receive a Christian education share the good new of Jesus Christ with those they interact with throughout their lives spreading the Gospel far and wide.
Lutheran SGO
(Scholarship Granting Organization)
The Lutheran SGO is a separate 501(c)3 charitable organization that allows individuals and businesses to reduce their state tax by funding scholarships for families wanting a Christian education. Gifts can be designated for a specific school, but not a student.
St. Peter Community Fund
The St. Peter Community fund provides scholarships to St. Peter students to supplement the Indiana Choice in Education Scholarship and the Lutheran SGO. The Community Fund is privately funded by generous donors and the St. Peter Lutheran Church.