Cottage Bible Study 9/12
You probably know Eve, Mary, Rachel, Rebekah and Martha, but do you know Abigail? Who was she? What can we learn from her?
Each of us can point to someone who makes life complicated. It could be a coworker, a family member, or even a spouse. Sometimes it’s easy to let circumstances like this control our thoughts, words and actions. We react, rather than act… and find ourselves frustrated – at ourselves and the situation.
But does this have to be the way it is? One woman of the Bible shows us that there is a better way. The way of wisdom. The way of hope. The way of Jesus.
In our Bible study this year we will journey along with Abigail as she uses her influence in two men’s lives – with different results. See how the empowerment of the Holy Spirit can help you deal with difficult people… without becoming difficult yourself!
Study guides will be available for $8.00 each. To order one please place your name on the order sheet that is next to the offering box if you have not already done so by September 29th . You will be getting a discount of almost $5.00 per book. After that the cost will go up, so reserve your copy now and pick up an informative bookmark with information about the study and Kickoff Event while you are at it!
Please plan to join us on October 10th from 5-7pm for our Kickoff Event. It will include supper and child care.
If you have any questions see Cheryl Tellman, Gloria Field, Julie Lena or Jan Roebuck.
If you have any questions see Cheryl Tellman, Gloria Field, Julie Lena or Jan Roebuck.